How to make my videos engaging


New Member
hi guys i have struggling to get subs lately and i would like advice to improve the direction of my video. Any tips?
Hi, good job as a beginner. My advice, you should include an awesome thumbnail that can catch the eye of people.

1. Use the best & correct font
2. Make sure the design contrast with bright background
3. Make eye contact if you include an image of the face

Then, other tips for you,
  • build your content around a target audience.
  • Make sure you prepare your video script ahead of time so that all key points are addressed and irrelevant material is not dumped on the viewers. If you believe one video contains too much detail, break it down into many videos.
  • Viewers like it every once in a while when you use a good example.
  • Using references as much as you can, and make sure they come from places of good quality.
  • Attach graphics to the website to make the site more appealing.
  • Start your videos always with an interesting hook that will make viewers want to watch the rest of the video again.
  • Using original material still. If you use someone else's content, your video won't be sufficiently engaging, let alone you might end up alienating people.
  • To reach the audience, provide cards, end screens, and pattern interrupts.

Good luck!
Hey man, not a bad video. I'd say you're doing pretty well gaining subs considering you've only been uploading for a couple weeks. The video was decent. The audio/video quality were really solid. But I think it would help to add visuals, like adding the flag of the country or the name of the country while you are doing the accent. Also, a faster pace would be good too. And adding an end screen with a subscribe button would encourage viewers to do so. Also, having interesting thumbnails is important. You can customize the thumbnail to be related to whatever the content of the video is.