How to help a video go viral?

Look at Rebecca Black, that was just a video that was paid for to have fun. She uploaded it for fun to show some friends and it grew out of control! I would definitely say there are different levels of virality though. One would be the obvious viral video that gets a lot of views with many subs, but also if you happen to get a lot more views on your video than normally.
I'd say the right people seeing the said video at the right time, plus lots of "crazy" sharing with many different people (rinse and repeat the cycle)..

correct, also what do yall consider viral?
Well, any video that has a large surge of views (talking about like six figures or maybe even more..) in a short amount of time, could be a few hours after upload but it could also be sometime down the road as well..
It takes a combo of hard work, dedication, and most of all... Charisma. Oh, and also fruit juice. It's all about the fruit juice.