How to get people to watch your videos


I have had my account for a year now and it is not going anywhere. How do I expand my horizons. I am a newbie...I film my own videos with my friend who live on a different continent, and no body watches them. I know we all start small but what are your techniques?

- Mya
Hey there.

Before posting your questions, maybe you should introduce yourself in the introduce yourself forum category :D

Let YTTalk know who you are (not your channel) and then we can all start helping you out!

I will say that it takes persistance, so try to utilize various social networking sites. Focus on your content, and you will see your views / subs begin to rise :D
hey, just has a little peek at your channel.
-I heard that you had this channel for a year right? well you might want to post more videos so there are more to be views, maybe have a squedual?
- try to use as much tags as possible, post your videos on tumblr, twitter and personal blog.
-reply to all comments
- have a good thumbnail and channel art to encourage people to like to check your channel out because it looks interesting therefore they will watch your videos.
-try filming in widescreen

and you are good to go
and most importantly be active on the form, it will help you A LOT!!
I've found pretty recently that facebook groups really work! Join in EVERY youtube group you can on facebook and with every youtube upload, post it in every group! it really gets attention especially if it is an interesting topic! I've seen more than normal views on my videos from doing that