How to get access to the maker studio dashboard??


Raaawrrr Raaaaawwrr Raaaaaawrr!
Ive rescently been partnered with RPM and I'm not sure how to get access to the maker studios dashboard to set up my payment info. Please tell me who to contact so I can get access :D
I gave mine a week, I am still not allowed in the dashboard. Another reason why I don't like Maker -.-
at , he handles the web end of things.

Your subject should be: "Need Dashboard Access - [channel name]"

Worst thing about RPM is the fact you gotta run around to find who handles what. Thank goodness for Jack from the forums.
It took me 2 weeks to access the RPM/Maker dashboard. With Fullscreen FAM it's only less than a day to access the dashboard. I completed all the process in just 3 days, but it could have been 1 day since i applied in Friday and completed all the process in Monday because they don't work on Saturday and Sunday.

RPM is nice but they are slow so you have to be very patient with them lol.
Yea with full screen the wait time is less but I forgot how long I waited to access things it's been so long