How to get a free YouTube Intro in under 5 mins


I Love YTtalk
Well this is a bit different to some services because here I will be telling you how to make one for yourself. It is a website where you can make a free intro in under 5 mins. Even though some of the templates do cost, many are free and good looking too!

I will not be expecting any cash from this however for a thanks I would like you to SUBSCRIBE to me on YouTube.

Also as a thanks you can like/follow/subscribe me on.


If yes read on, if no bloody subscribe :)

Step 1: Visit this website:

Step 2: Register on the website

Step 3: Verify your email

Step 4: Select a template

Step 5: Select customize

Step 6: Fill in the info you want the intro to say

Step 7: Upload the pictures (Only if your intro asks for them)

Step 8: Select done

Step 9: Go to account

Step 10: Select your intro

Step 11: Download it

There, you have a intro :)

You don't need to say thanks all you need to do is SUBSCRIBE :D
I cant believe people want others to subscribe for sharing information, I understand if its something rare or you have put a lot of hard work into it but when you have wrote some info and gave a few links, surely just sharing is the important part? It comes across to me as if the only reason you are sharing is for the purposes of promotion. I am moving this to the promo forum.