How to cure hangovers and more


A Wild Keebzy Appears!
Hey guys,

Since i brought out my new weekly schedule I've decided to just release a couple of the videos as an example of whats gonna be on the channel before i link the vids i'll go through the schedule :D

Monday: Something Vs. Something

Tuesday: Reviewing Something

Wednesday: How-to Guide

Thursday: My Youtube Favourites & Shoutouts

Friday: Fashion tips for guys and girls with me, sophie and caroline, they will be doing a makeup tips thing as well.

Saturday: we respond to your comments over the week

Sunday: Top Tips on everything from getting your computer to run faster to being better at sex, we cover it all!

So heres a couple of the videos, 2 Something Vs. Something Vids and a How-to!

Feedback is appreciated, Peace!

Nice videos!

thanks dude, I just uploaded my youtube favourites video there, sadly i didnt have enough space( I only pick 6 videos) to include one of yours in it but JustKevYTP, LayZeyeMedia, Vahnchand and YTtalkTV were all mentioned in it. :D maybe next week you'll be in it :D. you should check that out, I'll link it in the promotion section of the forum :p
