How old do you have to be to be partnered by socialblade?

i think most partnerships are 18. like you can partner before but they can't pay you yet or something like that...either way if it's just a month i'd wait. but i could be wrong! so don't quote me on this lol
For most networks you need to be 18 years old, or have your parents sign for you. I would wait until you turn 18 to become partnered.
I'm with RPM, but here's the ultimate question, is RPM/Socialblade or Fullscreen better??
well i am with fullscreen i like it there i just love the music/sound effect data base i use it a lot
sweet haha but is it better than RPM overall? cuz RPM is an entry way to Maker Studios, which is amazing, and focuses on smaller channels, but fullscreen is above Maker Studios cuz they accept lotsss of ppl into their network- at 10,000 channels now- and that boosts their stats- so idk which one is better;P