How is Union for gamers? (Curse network)


Well-Known Member
I made a post before about this but nobody responded (it was a long read) so ill make it simpler.

Im leaving TGN due to many reasons and Im looking at U4G. Ive heard lots of good things but wanted to ask the forums of yt talk what they think. I am applying but the application site had an upload issue so im waiting for a response on what to do next. Note I have not seen the contract yet.

Any info would be great as im just going by their forum and it seems their doing a good job answering questions etc.
I've heard many good things about them. 90/10 revshare and no lock-in. Seems like a good deal to me. Not sure about CPMs though.
The reason there are no people answering your question

1. Seems there are not many YTtalkers who are in UFG. Not much know about it yet. And from those not many people who partnered with UFG some maybe do not like to share experience for some reason.

Another reason may be for not answering question:

2. This is not the first topic with this question posted recently, and not every YTtalker like to answer same question every time new same topic is posted - some (including me) think user should try to use search box first and then post a question when he sure no one have answered this yet. Or if he find an older topic he can just bump it, instead posting new topic. Because this forum, because of same questions in new topics popping every day (not about UFG but in general), getting a look like a chat box, not a resourcefull forum. ts hard to find info when one question answered in many topics little by little, its better to have few resourcefull topics than hundred empty and abandoned topics

OP, do not take my words personally, i just thrown whats on my mind what i gathered being in the forum for a few months, its the first time i said this, sorry that you got my hit, nothing personal! :)
The reason there are no people answering your question

1. Seems there are not many YTtalkers who are in UFG. Not much know about it yet. And from those not many people who partnered with UFG some maybe do not like to share experience for some reason.

Another reason may be for not answering question:

2. This is not the first topic with this question posted recently, and not every YTtalker like to answer same question every time new same topic is posted - some (including me) think user should try to use search box first and then post a question when he sure no one have answered this yet. Or if he find an older topic he can just bump it, instead posting new topic. Because this forum, because of same questions in new topics popping every day (not about UFG but in general), getting a look like a chat box, not a resourcefull forum. ts hard to find info when one question answered in many topics little by little, its better to have few resourcefull topics than hundred empty and abandoned topics

OP, do not take my words personally, i just thrown whats on my mind what i gathered being in the forum for a few months, its the first time i said this, sorry that you got my hit, nothing personal! :)

Not gona lie I just found the search box after being here for a week , lol ty I never noticed the search tab unless it's only for people who signed up. I was a guest for a while.

Also I think U4G recently lowered their sub requirement from 5000 to 1000 which may explain why not that many people talk about it.
Not gona lie I just found the search box after being here for a week , lol ty I never noticed the search tab unless it's only for people who signed up. I was a guest for a while.

Also I think U4G recently lowered their sub requirement from 5000 to 1000 which may explain why not that many people talk about it.

Yup, though 1k subs is still a big number. Strange that they choose subs count minimum as a requirement. Those subs count is something that can be easy raised in shady way by cheaters, while honest youtubers struggling big time when gathering first real subscribers (for older active (regularily updated) channels its much easier to get subs, but for newer (regularily updated) active channels not that easy to get first 1000 subs).

While my older channel gathering subs on the fly with ease, my newer channel with similar content and even more videos on it than the older one has, is going hard way collecting first thousand subs.

Regarding their CPM's one person posted somewhere on YTtalk he gets 4,9$ after all the cuts with UFG, but we need more information to make the averages, as long as a lot of things affects CPM and its impossible to treat from single persons experience. In anyway it sounds not bad :)
Yup, though 1k subs is still a big number. Strange that they choose subs count minimum as a requirement. Those subs count is something that can be easy raised in shady way by cheaters, while honest youtubers struggling big time when gathering first real subscribers (for older active (regularily updated) channels its much easier to get subs, but for newer (regularily updated) active channels not that easy to get first 1000 subs).

While my older channel gathering subs on the fly with ease, my newer channel with similar content and even more videos on it than the older one has, is going hard way collecting first thousand subs.

Regarding their CPM's one person posted somewhere on YTtalk he gets 4,9$ after all the cuts with UFG, but we need more information to make the averages, as long as a lot of things affects CPM and its impossible to treat from single persons experience. In anyway it sounds not bad :)

Ive heard only one about a 3cpm for a big channel but idk what channel that is. They also require you to upload your youtube analytics. Im guessing thats how they determine if you botted subs.
Ive heard only one about a 3cpm for a big channel but idk what channel that is. They also require you to upload your youtube analytics. Im guessing thats how they determine if you botted subs.

3$ CPM was a flat CPM for every channel in the UFG Network ontill the end of 2012 or so (not sure about the exact date when it was switched to revenue share based, but something about that date or maybe even later) now they are not with flat 3$ CPM and now its 90/10 percentage cut.

Regarding uploading analytics... maybe they can see subs botting, but what i can see on my "subscribers" tab on Youtube Analytics is: "Channel / other", "Recommended channel",
and a bunch of videos which gathered most of subs. There is nothing more to see on that tab... or maybe i just missing to fully understand statistics.

I feel they ned uploading statistics more for checking if video views were botted.