How Do You Terminate Your YouTube Partnership?


YouTube Gaming Master
So here's the story, when I started off as a youtuber, I did all these random things. One of those things included partnering with youtube. I have recently gotten accepted into another gamint channel but I can't join it as I'm still partners with youtube. Please help me by telling me how to terminate this partnership. Thanks, -globdom
You have to message the Google AdSense team and ask them to remove your account. But be warned, the process can take a little while to take effect. Best of luck mate :)
wait, partnered with Youtube? as in the standard Youtube partnership? I'm pretty sure you can join and the Network should take care of the rest. At least that was my experience with Creator X and Fullscreen.
I got an email from the gaming channel that is going to partner with me and it says that I cannot join as I already have a partnership in play (YouTube partnership) so I want to know how to terminate the youtube partnership
I got an email from the gaming channel that is going to partner with me and it says that I cannot join as I already have a partnership in play (YouTube partnership) so I want to know how to terminate the youtube partnership
And like pawtaytoe said, you have to message Google directly and ask them to remove it from your account. Disabling it in your settings doesn't remove the partnership, it just stops ads from appearing on your videos.