How do you go about gaining an audience?

Talk to the comments and try to be conversational :) It actually helps with creating an audience (as people like to talk!) and engagement which means SEO.
You know what I've found which helps? Contact bloggers, get to know them, become friends with them. I have plenty of influential blogger friends who subscribe to my YouTube channel. If they see a video they like, they sometimes write a blog post about it.

Besides that, make amazing content that when people see it, they want to immediately share with everyone they know.
What also greatly helps is to find a niche. My channel got allot of views when i uploaded video's(walkthrough's, gameplay's, tributes, relationships ect) of my favorite game of all time: Mass Effect

I put allot of love into that game serie and people will see it and spread the word for you!
Youtube is a place where you need to nurture your content to help it grow amongst audiences. and the question is always "How"?
This question is the one no one can answer because there is no short cut, you need to meet, collaborate, make unique content. Naming your videos and their description and tags are vital so research into those. My answer is to be active but don't spam people with you videos and keep the content real and unique to you don't just follow the heard. If you want to do a COD BlackOps 2 commentary you have to work very hard to get noticed where as if you are making tutorial videos or how to videos you stand more of a chance of getting noticed a little easier.

I actually found an article I read yesterday quite interesting. While gaining subs is definitely good the author also states that it's not what you should focus on too much. It's more like subs go up when you do the right content but subs don't automatically give you more views (i.e. there are bigger drivers for views). It's more the icing on the cake for your good work you do elsewhere.

You should find it when searching for "Why YouTube Subscribers Don’t Matter" (yeah, it's obviously a dramatic article headline to draw in more readers :) )
I actually found an article I read yesterday quite interesting. While gaining subs is definitely good the author also states that it's not what you should focus on too much. It's more like subs go up when you do the right content but subs don't automatically give you more views (i.e. there are bigger drivers for views). It's more the icing on the cake for your good work you do elsewhere.

You should find it when searching for "Why YouTube Subscribers Don’t Matter" (yeah, it's obviously a dramatic article headline to draw in more readers :) )
That is a correct analysis, but without subscribers doing the YouTube videos is simply an expensive and time-consuming hobby. Once you have reached a level of proficiency and comfort in video editing, the next step is to grow subscribers to help to start offsetting the costs associated (and justify to your significant other that it really isn't a complete waste of time you could be spending with them).