How do you gain subscribers?

Aaron Maagma

YTtalk Mad
How do you gain subscribers? I get 5 subscribers every week... I'm not saying that I'm not grateful or not contended, I'm very happy. But, how do you get more subscribers? I have a friend who makes videos and it's not any better than my videos but he gets around 70 subs every week and has a total of 2,000 subs right now. How do you gain subscribers?
You just have to upload high quality content, and remember to work really hard on your videos. You can also network through social media websites, friends, and other stuff. Collaborations don't hurt either.
I don't do anything, really. I just post my videos haha. I also post here on YTtalk, so that helps as well.

Patience is key when it comes to YouTube. It can take months to start seeing a significant growth.
Keep content interesting and make people feel like they need to subscribe for more. For example, use teasers for upcoming content or at the start of your videos show off something funny from your video. :)
I know how you feel...
I agree with KGATV...just because Your friend is getting all of those subs, doesn't always mean it won't happen for you! Paitence is indeed key...I would rather have 10 dedicated fans/subs/friends than 1,000,000 people who just troll on your channel....
Thank you for the replies guys! It made me realize that I just have to be patient. :)) THANK YOU ALL for your replies. :))
I'm gonna go out on a limb here. It's all about niche and branding. If your channel name isn't relevant to your niche, (type of videos produced) you just wont get as many subscribers. Simple as that. With a good niche and channel name, I managed 5k subscribers in two or three weeks. Hope I helped
Like above posts.. Details help, but I'd say there are several elements. Basing off what I see from others... Success comes easier when you consistently add videos that keep the ball rolling. Gotta come up with new ideas/etc.. but not out of you topic or style.. if you get what Im saying. Think about the audience you want to attract. Think about how many people out there you think would search for certain topics. It takes many things from what I see to make success happen without the luck many people have. --- I envy them too. ;) heh. My channel is only a few days old.
I don't do anything. If people like they will subscribe. I don't need subscribers who then don't watch my videos so I'm glad with 5 now, they're loyal, I hope. :p