How do I engage my viewers on YouTube?


In one of my Gaming Let's Plays videos, I was critiqued in saying that I should try to be more engaging by talking about the game, it's features and what's happening. Less on what I'm doing as it's clear for the audience to see that. I'm asking how should I go about engaging the viewers into the Let's Play and series.

My main issue with engagement is thinking what to say to the viewers and what can I say to possibly seem, I don't know how to properly phrase it, immersive with my commentary? I want to be able to keep the viewer watching, listening and experiencing the game with me but how can I change my commentary style to support that desire. Should I try to talk about certain aspects, my opinions, etc? I'd like to know honestly.

I personally really like when commentators tell stories and give their opinions on games, but that is just me. Do whatever comes natural to you. Good luck!
I agree with @DevinLandis . I personally have less interest if the person I'm watching constantly describes what he's doing. I like people who share what they think, tell stories about the game and also make a few funny remarks. All while not being repetitive and boring. I'm sure you can do it mate! Good luck!
People will already have an idea of what you're doing in-game because that's exactly what they're watching.
However, they can't necessarily read your mind, so if you have any opinions on the gameplay, the graphics, the ambience, the characters, the soundtrack, the developers - share them! Your opinions could be what set you apart from someone else who's played the same game.

Also, audiences really value it when you make them feel like they're listened to - ask them if they enjoyed the game once you've finished playing, ask them if they have any suggestions, engage with them in the comments section and follow up on any recommendations because that'll prove you're actually paying attention.

But make sure when you do these things that it's coming from the heart and is gone about in a way that you'd genuinely do yourself. If it's contrived, they'll see right through you in no time. Good luck!
People will already have an idea of what you're doing in-game because that's exactly what they're watching.
However, they can't necessarily read your mind, so if you have any opinions on the gameplay, the graphics, the ambience, the characters, the soundtrack, the developers - share them! Your opinions could be what set you apart from someone else who's played the same game.

Also, audiences really value it when you make them feel like they're listened to - ask them if they enjoyed the game once you've finished playing, ask them if they have any suggestions, engage with them in the comments section and follow up on any recommendations because that'll prove you're actually paying attention.

But make sure when you do these things that it's coming from the heart and is gone about in a way that you'd genuinely do yourself. If it's contrived, they'll see right through you in no time. Good luck!

Prett much nailed everything you need in that quote right there. my 1st video i was so dull and describing what im doing. then someone said dont describe, explain. So i explained WHY i was and boom went from 3 views to 50. not massive but when i only had 4 subs and i changed the commentary i have 12 more suvs and over 200 views in my 1st month. not massive, but its gains
i talk about all sorts in my LP's i can go on epic rants about stuff totally not gaming related. people have said they enjoyed it
People will already have an idea of what you're doing in-game because that's exactly what they're watching.
However, they can't necessarily read your mind, so if you have any opinions on the gameplay, the graphics, the ambience, the characters, the soundtrack, the developers - share them! Your opinions could be what set you apart from someone else who's played the same game.

Also, audiences really value it when you make them feel like they're listened to - ask them if they enjoyed the game once you've finished playing, ask them if they have any suggestions, engage with them in the comments section and follow up on any recommendations because that'll prove you're actually paying attention.

But make sure when you do these things that it's coming from the heart and is gone about in a way that you'd genuinely do yourself. If it's contrived, they'll see right through you in no time. Good luck!

Thanks, this summarizes very well what I needed to hear and what I should work upon!
I will try to make a video soon which will be genuine and following the advice you provided. Thanks again for it.
I always try to make people interact with the video, to make them a part of it. Maybe results are not so heavy but I always try to speak looking at the camera about a lot of things, starting from something gameplay related to something a bit more personal. Is just a matter of being yourself and also not being afraid of opening yourself to others!