Other Hosting and Casting Competitive Team Scrims/Battles!

Brian Beauchamp

New Member
Hey all you Black Ops 2 competitive teams out there, do you guys want to help me with a new series on my channel! I am starting a new series on my channel where competitive teams can come and battle each other with MLG rules and rotations! If you have a team that yall want to face off against then that's fine, but if you want to just come and scrim then I have teams for you to face! All the scrims and battles will be casted by me and a friend. We will hold interviews before each cast and this will help your own channel grow as well!!! So what do you have to do to battle/scrim? Its easy you can message me on TTG, reply to this post, Skype me @ phobicxgaming, or email me @ phobicxgaming@gmail.com. When you do contact me just give me this simple info!
-Team Name
-Leader or person to contact
-How to contact(skype,email,gamertag)
-If you have a team you want to face,tell me!
-Any other info you want me to know
Hope to hear from several teams and get this new series started off big!!!