Hmmm 3500 subs, getting there.


Master Viking
So technically like 3476 but at my current pacing by the end of the week I'll hit this mark and thats a pretty cool mark, though I normally really like the even "1000's" so 4000 is the next real marker for me.
:O how did you get that many?

Hard work :D good content. I'm still a small fry though compared to many people including those who I feel have inferior content or videos.

It's hard to climb up the YouTube hierarchy as those on top seem to easily stay on top, YT does not really have there site setup in a way that gives new people much chance at catching up with quality of content its all about likes/subs.

Also content type is important, my tutorials and product reviews and such do not pull in many subs, most people looking for that kind of content are most prone to search for X review or X tutorial and not follow the producer after because they have little reason to see your next tutorial or review that has no relevance to their needs. Unless your dedicated to a certian subset of tutorials like say only Photoshop or only Video editing.

I think one of my weaknesses is that I have too much content type and not specialized enough, but I happen to do a lot of things and just share my content with the world via YouTube.
At first I was like "he might be botting..." We've had some run ins with that on this forum, but then I looked at your channel. You started uploading 5 years ago and have over 500 videos, I'd say you definitely earned every sub you have. Glad to see you're doing well man.
Nope, been with YT for like you said 5 years but only the last year or so have I done videos for general public before that it was just some minor stuff to mess around.

I upload almost a video a day, and spend a lot of time encoding and making the most of my video quality. I do not want any fake subs so I would never bot, nor will I even do give away contents where people must sub to win.

I don't see the point in fake subs, I want my subs to be people that actually want to see my content and engage with me, not just numbers.