Gaming Hey I'm looking to make a SDMN/VANOSS group


I've Got It
I'm glad you ran across this. I've been doing YouTube for about a year but haven't really uploaded a lot but I'm going to start properly again I'm gonna hit it hard this year. I watch Vanoss Gaming, Lui Calibre, H20 Delirious, all of 'emand SDMN (I mean, who doesn't?). I would love to find a group of people, or make a group of people, like that to record and grow with! I'm up for skits and funny moments, GTA, Battlefield, Cod, Rainbow six siege etc you name it I'm up for it. I know it can be hard to showcase your full personality without people to play off of or joke around with (which is a problem I'm running into). So hopefully this can remedy that!

What I'm looking for:
  • Be witty and funny
  • Have a true passion to entertain and inspire the viewers
  • High quality video and audio
  • Be willing to spend time editing and making great videos
  • Have creative ideas - ideas for new content, new games, etc.
Get to know me:
  • I pride myself in thinking I'm pretty witty
  • I care about changing lives, entertaining and motivating the people I come in contact with
  • I'm easy to get along with
  • If I curse, it's not too extreme
  • I'm dedicated to this and willing to put in tons of work
  • I have creative and new ideas, for the most part
  • I enjoy almost every kind of game.
Extra stuff:
  • Cursing, I don't really care about it
  • If every joke is a sexual innuendo, we probably aren't the best match. Some are fine, but too many gets tiresome
That's about it! If you're interested and think we'd get along well, post a reply or message me! I look forward to meeting you! Here's to the Vanoss Gaming Crew/SDMN 2.0!

Thanks guys
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Hi im intrested in working with you! I see you have a great potential in your carer and i would like to collab with you! My skype is lukikralj with a harambe pic lol p.s you didnt mention how old are you i am 14 if asked xd cya!
Hi im intrested in working with you! I see you have a great potential in your carer and i would like to collab with you! My skype is lukikralj with a harambe pic lol p.s you didnt mention how old are you i am 14 if asked xd cya!
Ok sounds great I'll message u on skype and I'm 16 btw
Hey Sorry just made a account but
im going to be a indie gamer (minecraft) and am just about to fire up my channel
would love to do a good series something smp or the likes?

Skype: gameboy84161 hit me up :D