Natacha Martins
The First Lady of YTTALK
okay guys, so I have had the best IDEA ever but I need some help, or some volunteers if you will. As you guys may or may not know I do some inspiration speechs on my channel, and my next topic is going to be about bullying my idea was;
The video would start with a message from me as always, but then when I'm done, you guys would share some messages also, either- why bullyings bad, or your own experiences or something like that. and then at the very end we would all say "stop bullying now!" or something. It's much better in my head, I'm just too excited to properly type to make any sense haha, whos in?? Lets make a DIFFERENCE!!!
The video would start with a message from me as always, but then when I'm done, you guys would share some messages also, either- why bullyings bad, or your own experiences or something like that. and then at the very end we would all say "stop bullying now!" or something. It's much better in my head, I'm just too excited to properly type to make any sense haha, whos in?? Lets make a DIFFERENCE!!!