Help with revenue split


New Member
Hey guys,

First post! Glad to be here :)

Okay, so I've been partnered with Fullscreen a little while now, and recently I saw a post somewhere in a forum saying that this person was partnered with Fullscreen and got a 70/30 split. Now looking at mine I am not getting anything near that.

Basically, am I being done over? this seems like a very odd split for a network. Does anyone know if there is anything I can do about this? I know I've signed a contract and everything agreeing to this.

Cheers for the help,
Hi and Welcome to the forums. I cannot disclose what my Fullscreen contract says (well I don't think I can) but I can safely say that my revenue split is better in my favor.

Also if you signed a contract at 50/50 you're bound to it :(
Hi and Welcome to the forums. I cannot disclose what my Fullscreen contract says (well I don't think I can) but I can safely say that my revenue split is better in my favor.

Also if you signed a contract at 50/50 you're bound to it :(
The original contact I was sent for my old channel was a 70/30 split. But after some adsense problems Fullscreen advised me to start over on Youtube, they sent me another contract to sign under my new channel and I stupidly presumed it was the same contract :( Would it do any harm contacting them about it?

Ps. Is it okay to talk about the network split? Or is this meant to be private info?

I think it's supposed to be private. Why don't you contact Fullscreen and ask them about the revenue split and why it's at 50/50
It depends on what subnetwork you are partnered with Fullscreen. Creators X, and then another one that escapes me.
The more views per day avg your channel receives, the higher a cut you are offered.

50 views a day could mean a 50/50, and 10,000 views a day could mean 90/10 split.

That's how it usually goes.