Help where is my channel username?


Well-Known Member
I just made a second YouTube account via gmail. When I go to YouTube I cant find my username? I only see my name that I have register on Gmail?

This is my new channel

as you can see there are randoms letters next to my channel? what is that? help please :(
Head here: and there should be an option to set a channel username. That should replace the random letters with a word of your choosing :)

thank you! :)
Also, do I need to make a adsense account to be partnered with a network? If yes how do I add a adsense to my account? thank you :D
Hahaha, i remember i wanted that. Remember this thread guys ? lol :)

(Sorry for tagging , but you guys where in it): KGATV [never should've fought with you about ATV] Beanbag , iGamifyTV , kkushalbeatzz , count_teribil , Reina Aaayron: i'm sorry :( , i was being rude to you guys in that thread.

It would all be better if Tim Cook invited me to his mansion the other night on that thread which glorified a special someone. ;)