Comedy Hatemail

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Active Member
I want to do a video series in which I get other youtubers to submit more or less video responses and I'll have links to your channels in the description.

Now the first episode I'm going to upload a little update video and about a week afterwards I'm going to collect the footage and edit it into one funny episode.

The first one is more or less insult me, where I ask for videos saying hateful things about me and my channel, its all in good fun, so don't be afraid to be mean.

The second one I think will be favorite foods and why, and from that I'll have a mini-series of me cooking/preparing said foods. I'll have your clip in the beginning of the cooking videos.

I want to make one project a tree with each branch a seperate series/mini-series.

Anyone interested, you can contact me for more details on skype.

Skype: mrcold93
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