Has anyone heard of creator x partnership program


Youtuber who loves to edit
I am asking because I can become partner throught them but I reall ynever heard of them so any info you guys have would be appreciative. Thanks in advance.
I haven't heard of them so I can't really comment on that. But, something to consider is that YouTube is 'unlocking' a lot of the partner benefits for regular YouTubers so I'm not sure if you would want to sign up with a network that may take a percentage of your earnings.
Creator X is a VidStatsX and Fullscreen affiliated network.
thank you[DOUBLEPOST=1346556325,1346556283][/DOUBLEPOST]
Hey if you want a partnership you can partner up with phazer network! we have an 80% payout plan hahah yeah we have a pretty decent partner program and like the other guy said creator x is fullscreen.
ok I might apply to phaser how do I do that inbox me[DOUBLEPOST=1346556354][/DOUBLEPOST]
I haven't heard of them so I can't really comment on that. But, something to consider is that YouTube is 'unlocking' a lot of the partner benefits for regular YouTubers so I'm not sure if you would want to sign up with a network that may take a percentage of your earnings.
ok thanks for your input every little but help
I was wondering the same thing. lol maybe it's aimed at a different type of video/video producer or something. I know Fullscreen has Yousch (sp?), which is aimed at gamers, while Fullscreen itself is more of a hodge-podge of content creators. A nice mix. Good question though. I wasn't able to find much info from the Creator X webpage.
Yeah it's weird. I wonder if they are making FullScreen for more successful YouTuber's and X for everyone?

Could be. I wish they had more info on their site. lol I like making the network website rounds every-now-and-again to see what's going on. Seems networks are spawning niche networks left and right now-a-days.[DOUBLEPOST=1346599276,1346599162][/DOUBLEPOST]From what IS on their site though, it looks like a lot of the same benefits are shared between the two, if not all. Expected, being a sister network, but I wonder what the difference is. lol