Other Happy 10th from YTTalk?


Message me if you need anything :)
I just had an idea to make a video celebrating YouTube's 10th birthday, but then I had a better idea...

What if I got all the people from YTTalk in one video and have them all say Happy 10th?

So this is where you,the reader comes in. All you have to do is record yourself or record your voice saying "Happy 10th YouTube" or whatever you wish to say.

Your clip should be relatively short, because I want to have as many clips as possible but not make the video 12 minutes long xD So i'd say a 30 second max, 10 sec preferred.

To send the video to me,you can add me on skype at :bmfchaos. And send me the videos on there, or you can send the video to me using a file share service like Media Fire.

Please send me any videos you plan on using today, as I plan on making the video today. Everybody's channel will be linked in the video :D

Should be fun :)