YTTalk's Local Sloth
So, a lot of you may know me as GafferGames, but what a lot of people don't know is that I was another channel before that, with which I did guitar covers.
It is weyyheyy1 and you will find it if you click on the channel name there. I started it because I loved watching guitar covers and I decided that that was what I wanted to be like, I wouldn't say its popular but it has a small following with about 340 subs, so it would be amazing if you could maybe go and check it out, I don't promote much because I enjoy browsing the other areas of the forum, but I just thought I would bring this to people's attention for anyone who cares
It is weyyheyy1 and you will find it if you click on the channel name there. I started it because I loved watching guitar covers and I decided that that was what I wanted to be like, I wouldn't say its popular but it has a small following with about 340 subs, so it would be amazing if you could maybe go and check it out, I don't promote much because I enjoy browsing the other areas of the forum, but I just thought I would bring this to people's attention for anyone who cares