Got accepted into 4 networks: Maker Studios (directly) , Fullscreen (directly), Machinima & Ng4TV?


New Member
So, this morning Maker, Fullscreen , Machinima , & Ng4TV accepted me & sent me all the contracts / whatnot , but i don't know which one to go with ?

Please help me, i've been waiting for this for A LONG time !

Who should i go with ? Which one is better ?

Thanks in advance :)
There are plenty of threads in the partnership forum about the majority of these networks :)

Also, you should introduce yourself first
The one with the best contract is the best. All these networks have their advantages/good sides/bad sides, so it's up to you to which contract you agree too. Do some research before joining.
I'd go with Fullscreen, i've heard nothing but good things about them.

Machinima is awful, avoid at all costs. xD
introduce yourself, use the search bar or look around in the forum to post in the right section, because this is not the right section to post this.. and to answer your question, just take a look at your contracts and see which one is better for you.