Getting partnered with copyright strike


New Member
Hello, first of all im new here so Hello again :)
And my question is, can i get partnered with a network IF i have a copyright strike (A copyright strike as "Copyright Sanctions")?
Because "Copyright Sanctions" is on "Not in good standing" that will say i have a strike, but still my videos can get monetized and i will theoretically be able to getting partnered with any networks, but will the networks partner me?
And i have zero copyrighted stuff on my channel.

Thanks anyway :)
No you won't be able to become a partner if you have any copyright strike I suggest you find out what is causing the strike and fix it before you even try to become a partner
I don't know YT working and account details but i don't have any strikes, my account is in a good condition but is not proper for Monetization!
I think i have a few Content ID claims or i've heard that YT Partnership is not enabled for Greece.
What can i do in this case?
I've never spent time for my account details, here's my full status:


I've heard before that Greece wasn't a YT partner country but now i know some Greek YT channels that they're partners!
Anyone can help?
Thanks in advance and sorry for my english