General Channel Feedback


Well-Known Member
Hello, so in the last month or so I have been trying to create a well rounded channel. I have been creating thumbnails and channel art to the extent I know Photoshop, and I've been trying to create quality videos with the gear I have.

It would be great if someone could take a look at my channel SEO and the channel in general. Any feedback at all would be great!

With what I have, would you say that I have been doing good?

- Garrett
I'm not really a big "tech" guy or interested in that sort of thing, but I believe that your tech weekly videos are very well researched and would be very interesting for someone who likes that topic. Your reviews cover some very interesting and unique products which I haven't seen before. You also commentate very well and have a smooth flowing voice without that many stutters at all. My advice would be try to find a niche in your content: find the series or thing that gets the most views for you and do more of that. Keep your channel content fairly consistent, I don't know if that's something you've been doing. Also there is room for improvement in the graphics for your channel. Overall you have well made content and it's clear you put the time in.