Other Gaming group join!!!


Loving YTtalk
Hey guys my first language is not English so errors in this posts don't count ;)

Hey so ok I'm her too collect a bunch of gamers and make colab videos on a separate chanel. Hey this is gaming onli so you better have some games too play any console or anything I'm very open and want as many different type of content (as long as it's gaming )podcast ar cool too I'm very open too posiblilitys as possible. so hers the some needed features you need!

1-no 1 under 10 ok? I now your suppose too be her and on YouTube if your 13+ but there's still some peapol that doo that

2- must have skype ok? So I will add you if your accepted

3-must have a ps3-4 xbox360-one windows or Mac any on of this (too record games obviously )

4-must have a Chanel with 10'videos at least sorry guys

5-have at least a bit of computer knowledge

6-must have decant recording and gaming equipment like a decant mic or things like that

7-girl or boy I don't care

8-must be active on the internet ( well you now active often on skype and on the forums and stuff like that)

9-willing to upload about 1 video at least evry month on the Chanel (the group Chanel)

10-speak well English (riting is less important)

11-plz have a recording software if your recording on a computer if on a consol plz have a capture card or somthing that records your screen don't want you to record your screen with a camera ok?

12-add peanut butter some ware on your aplication so I now you read the hole thing

Well now hers how,you can join so in the thing below tell me this

You can tell me on skype if you want skype name general miner

Username for the internet :
Games you own (or the fiew you play the most):
Photo of your computer/console recording setup (optional):
Time zone:
Maturitie level ?/10:
Skype name:
Sexes (boy or girl):
Live with your parents ? (Won't change anything but if you don't put it your aplication is gona be refused ). :
Gamer level (how good ar you?)on a scale 0/10:
Level of gaming hardcore-hard-normal-between normal and lite-lite:

So ya I MIT add a fiew new things but ya hope too see ther!

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I... the spelling in this physically hurts, but the English in your videos is fine. I'm so confused.

Anyways, gl with the group I guess.
Username for the internet : T0XiiCKiTTEN
Age: 18
Games you own (or the few you play the most): Borderlands 2(My main game), Pokemon(GB - GBA).
YouTube link: Won't allow me to provide link. Just go to your channel and put "T0XiiCKiTTEN" in the place of your name in the URL. Or it should be somewhere on my Yttalk profile.
Time zone: Central USA I believe. (Which ever Oklahoma is in.)
Country(optional): 'Mericuh.
Maturity level ?/10: A solid 9. (All seriousness makes for bland videos.)
Skype name: T0XiiCKiTTEN
Sex (boy or girl): Dude.
Gamer level (how good ar you?)on a scale 0/10: Everyone likes to think that they're good, but everyone has areas where they suck. If I were to play Borderlands I'd be VERY good. 10/10. If I were to play Resident Evil, or Assassin's Creed I'd be terrible. Overall, however, 6/10.
Level of gaming hardcore-hard-normal-between normal and lite-lite: "Hard" (Giggity).
Username for the internet : T0XiiCKiTTEN
Age: 18
Games you own (or the few you play the most): Borderlands 2(My main game), Pokemon(GB - GBA).
YouTube link: Won't allow me to provide link. Just go to your channel and put "T0XiiCKiTTEN" in the place of your name in the URL. Or it should be somewhere on my Yttalk profile.
Time zone: Central USA I believe. (Which ever Oklahoma is in.)
Country(optional): 'Mericuh.
Maturity level ?/10: A solid 9. (All seriousness makes for bland videos.)
Skype name: T0XiiCKiTTEN
Sex (boy or girl): Dude.
Gamer level (how good ar you?)on a scale 0/10: Everyone likes to think that they're good, but everyone has areas where they suck. If I were to play Borderlands I'd be VERY good. 10/10. If I were to play Resident Evil, or Assassin's Creed I'd be terrible. Overall, however, 6/10.
Level of gaming hardcore-hard-normal-between normal and lite-lite: "Hard" (Giggity).
Your in add me on Skype