[GAMING CHANNEL] Get more people on my channel. Shorts? New Content? SEO class?

Bryan Walsh

New Member
My name is Bry and I've been trying to grow my channel for almost 5 years now and with every video I've posted, I cant find a fine line to follow to drive more people to my channel. I've tried IRL content, let's plays, funny moments, tutorials.. and nothing is getting over 500 views and my subs have been under 600 for as long as I could remember. I really want to go down the road of lets playing but cant seem to bring people in. I've tried countless SEO courses, books, web seminars, and probably watched every "HOW TO GROW A GAMING AND/OR YOUTUBE CHANNEL" video out there and implemented them but still nothing. I have no other ideas so maybe someone here can look over my content and videos and see what could be improved and tips on more views and subscribers, I'd really appreciate it.

Channel link: www.youtube.com/brythebrogaming