There used to be a time where even if you had a content ID match you would not be accepted for partnership..
A couple things I have noticed..
1) You have stated you are partnered by RPM... They are NOT a gaming network. they take anyone.
2) Stop spamming the forums!!
Now the answer you may be wanting... Certain game companies are okay with you using their games. Mojang (for minecraft), Epic Games (gears of war and the like), and Robot Entertainment (Orcs Must Die 1& 2) I also think Valve (Potal and Half life) for example have stated in their terms that it is okay to use their games for monetization. Some companies have disclaimers to add to a video description. Other companies you have to ask directly. Most will say no. Some will say they encourage fan videos but to monetize at your own risk.
Rockstar and Capcom are two companies that will straight deny and have stated no one can make money off their games and they give no rights.
Maybe if you get a million views per day they might make an exception, but the companies are so big they don't need any special promotion from any youtubers.
Now, if you get a content ID match and acknowledge it, then you completely forfeit your right to any monetary earnings of that video present or future.
if you don't acknowledge it or dispute it you risk a copyright strike, heck even if you do acknowledge it you risk a copyright strike, so in most cases it's smarter just to delete any content matched videos.
Last fact, just about every network operates under fair use. Which is explained on youtube, and you take a risk by using fair use. Rarely do networks have licenses to games, those licenses usually cost a LOT of money that to most peoples surprise networks do not have or are not willing to spend that amount for.
Moral of the story, Gaming networks (which RPM is not specified as) are just networks with a focus, they have no special privileges just more knowledge about your genre. They have no real power (usually) they can just give advice.
again... stop spamming the forums!!