Game that I can record w/Monetization?


I Love YTtalk
So, I just need a game. Any game, that allows someone to record gameplay (just need about 5 minutes of it) and post it on youtube. I'm not partnered if that matters.

Depends what kinda of game you want, being partnered doesn't matter and why do you only want 5 minutes?
Depends what kinda of game you want, being partnered doesn't matter and why do you only want 5 minutes?

Partnerships usually give you options that non partnered channels don't get such as music and games. The video won't be more than 5 minutes.
Half-Life 2, Portal, Team Fortress, McPixel, Slender, Garry's Mod
Woah, thanks. didn't know that there were this many.
Minecraft. Other indie games.

Indie games! Forgot about those, I'll look into it.
Minecraft is a good game to be used for monetization. I hope this doesn't sound like advertising, but I can hook you up with a free copy of one of my games if you really want it for a video. Also all the games by Deepsilver can be used.