Fullscreen partners, I have a question.


New Member
Hey guys,

Okay, so I'm partnered with Fullscreen, I recently worked on a video that has picked up a few views in a very short amount of time. This is the video:

It's not posted on my channel, if I wanted to post a video on my channel telling my subs to go and check it out, would this breach Fullscreen's contract, I know it's advertising sort of, but really it's my own content.

Help would be appreciated,
Totally fine, But you should have posted it on your channel because now you're missing out on all the revenue :\
I know :( But 4 of us worked on it and I came into the picture last, and instead of having multiple copies of the video, it's just on his. Thanks for your answer :)
If you get all 3 of their permission to post it on your channel it is fine. To be safe I'd link to everyone's channel that was involved in the description also