Fullscreen GO help


YTtalk Mad
Recently just got an email from Fullscreen saying that because Im a small channel (to small for any of their sub networks) I would fit well with this to help grow my channel quickly. Now Fullscreen is somewhere I would like to be with in the future but I know almost nothing about Fullscreen GO. Anyone want to share a little information or maybe fill me in on things and stuff? I will most likely be taking the chance because I wouldn't mind getting into the vlogunion or another network of Fullscreen. Just don't want to go in blind.
That's bizarre. Fullscreen have a zero view policy now so technically anyone should be able to get into their main network. I've not heard of Fullscreen GO myself, sorry!
I think Fullscreen Go is where they put you until they put you into a sub hub. I could be wrong though
Well my goal is to get in to vlogunion and not so much their main network. But yeah from my understanding after doing a intense creep on the forums ahah, it seems to be a place where they put you thill you fit the needs of one of their sub networks.
Well my goal is to get in to vlogunion and not so much their main network. But yeah from my understanding after doing a intense creep on the forums ahah, it seems to be a place where they put you thill you fit the needs of one of their sub networks.
I'm with Vlog Union, they're great :) and the Fullscreen forums is garbage lol. So much spam.
There is no set amount of views you need to have to get into Fullscreen. It continually varies depending on the personnel and the needs of the individual hubs. If they are at capacity and each partner manager is near their limit on how many channels each one manages, then the requirements may be very high. If there's a new influx of partner managers that were just hired like there was about a month ago, then requirements may be lowered temporarily to take on more partners. The effect is only temporary as Fullscreen will not take on more channels than it can effectively manage at one time. Despite all the speculation otherwise that the network has gone downhill, what I've seen is an increase of staff by roughly 60% and the equivalent rise in partnerships by the same percentage.