Fullscreen Dashboard and Adsense problem.


Active Member
When i received the offer to join FULLSCREEN, i agreed to join because i read this.
Know exactly what you’re making and where it’s coming from. As a Fullscreen partner, you’ll have total visibility into your channel’s earnings and performance data through the Fullscreen Dashboard. We’re committed to complete transparency on all financial matters.

Ive already read the FAQ. But i thought i would see a daily update of my earnings like i did with ADSENSE. And my Dahsboard is in 0. So today is march 27. So i get to see an update in april 27??No one told me that the update wasnt daily.Also, and most importantly, i had like 60 dollars in my adsense account. What happens to that money???Plz help me with this questions
The dashboard usually updates every 24 hours, though sometimes it will be a few days behind. It updates whenever YouTube updates their stuff.
The dashboard often gets stuck. Ours usually updates once to twice per week. If it falls behind by more than 7 days, send an email to support@fullscreen.net

If you want to view your day to day earnings on youtube, send support and email and ask for your daily earnings report on youtube to be turned on. Then you will have access to all the data you had before.

In regard to your adsense, it does not pay out until you reach $100, so if you are using it to monetize a website, you will have wait for it to hit $100 before it pays out. If you close the account, they will pay you the $60-the threshold for payout when you close an account is $10.
i had like 60 dollars in my adsense account. What happens to that money???Plz help me with this questions[/quote]
You can just ask YouTube to give you it, I`ll find the form and then edit this post ;)
When i received the offer to join FULLSCREEN, i agreed to join because i read this.
Know exactly what you’re making and where it’s coming from. As a Fullscreen partner, you’ll have total visibility into your channel’s earnings and performance data through the Fullscreen Dashboard. We’re committed to complete transparency on all financial matters.

Ive already read the FAQ. But i thought i would see a daily update of my earnings like i did with ADSENSE. And my Dahsboard is in 0. So today is march 27. So i get to see an update in april 27??No one told me that the update wasnt daily.Also, and most importantly, i had like 60 dollars in my adsense account. What happens to that money???Plz help me with this questions
Mine took about a month before it started showing anything at all
I just asked them to turn back on the YouTube earning thing to be turned back on because Fullscreen dashboard updates so slowly. They did it pretty quick so you might want to take the Wrecklesseating guy's advice to save yourself a headache. :)