Fullscreen - Beautique?


Queen Of Spam, Married To Count Teribil
Hi guys! I just signed up for an account here and I recently got a contract from Fullscreen which I have not signed yet...From what I read in the contract, my channel will be under a baby network named Beautique? any idea on how good this is? Currently my CPM is at about 5.70USD so im not too sure if joining Fullscreen would do me any good ...confused >.<
That's just a section in Fullscreen where you can upload videos to that channel if you want more exposure. You seem to be doing pretty well, so I'm not sure how much benefit you'll see from it. If you only had a handful of subscribers, it would be of more use to you. As for CPM, the amount of money you earn while in Fullscreen will depend on your contract split. Just ask the person who contacted you if you would be making more/less/same amount based on the offer and your current CPM and they should be able to tell you.
It's not awful but it's not really awful either. There isn't really a network out there that suits beauty channels right now. But, Fullscreen is a great network, so if you feel like you would fit under Beautique, I would give it a shot.
Thank you for the feedback :D I guess I'll have to get in touch with the partner manager to learn more. I was approached by both fullscreen and stylehaul but im on the fence. For the most part, I'm pretty hung up on letting go my own adsense...but at the same time, I'm not sure if I'm letting up on a good opportunity. Stylehaul has a hefty contract bind of 4 years...and thats why I am going back and forth on my decision.
We were in the same bind as you, but we were doing about a million views per month when we were negotiating, so we were able to structure a contract that would prevent any kind of loss over sticking with Adsense. I'm not sure how much leeway you would get over the contract they have offered you, but it won't hurt to ask if they can do any better.
We were in the same bind as you, but we were doing about a million views per month when we were negotiating, so we were able to structure a contract that would prevent any kind of loss over sticking with Adsense. I'm not sure how much leeway you would get over the contract they have offered you, but it won't hurt to ask if they can do any better.

Million views >.< I'm no where near that LOL.....I hope that the reply I get would be an awesome one haha...btw LOVE your channel^^
Based on your stats, I'm guessing they offered you a 70/30 split. They can probably do a 1 year term if you ask them, but you might be taking a loss over adsense based on your CPM unless you participate in their gorilla program. I think you would need 80/20 or higher to break even.
Based on your stats, I'm guessing they offered you a 70/30 split. They can probably do a 1 year term if you ask them, but you might be taking a loss over adsense based on your CPM unless you participate in their gorilla program. I think you would need 80/20 or higher to break even.

Yep they offered me a 70/40 split. I would have to see if they could do better than that. It wouldnt be useful if I settle for less anyway..yikes....The gorilla program does it really do any good?
Yep they offered me a 70/40 split. I would have to see if they could do better than that. It wouldnt be useful if I settle for less anyway..yikes....The gorilla program does it really do any good?

It's OK if you are willing to take part. The pay is really good with most of the campaigns around a $25 CPM with all views getting paid including mobile. The problem for me is that I didn't want to have to do extra work to earn the same money I was making before-that would be counterproductive, so I made sure that the contract was to my benefit without the gorilla program.

Take a look at the Fullscreen Beautique channel on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/fullscreenbeautique
Then ask yourself if you would be uploading any videos onto their channel (I don't think you get paid-you do so for the exposure) and how much benefit you would receive based on the average view count for videos that are on there. That should give you a good idea on whether it's worth a potential loss in income to get more people to watch your channel.