Dawn Marie
New Member
Hi everyone! I uploaded a video to you tube that went viral, which I didn't expect. I applied for the partner program, was approved and monetized - so I am now making money, but not much because others have uploaded it. One person in particular that has 800+K hits and is banking that ad revenue. I applied for Content ID over a month ago so that I can claim the video and apply rules to the video and have still not heard anything. I'm concerned because everything I've read says that I should have been approved by now and I'm wondering if because so many others have uploaded it YT doesn't think its my video. Its scheduled to air on a couple of TV programs, one tomorrow 4/25 and in May. I don't want this other person to earn the money but at the same time don't want to make him take it down and give up revenue I'd earn on his site once I've claimed it and applied rules. Does it usually take this long to get approved or is my Content ID request stuck somewhere. Any guidance is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.