Le Fancy Narwhal
The Fanciest of All Narwhals
I made this with my friend, and it's probably my first big effort at making something of this scale, and it came out really well considering. I entered it in my school's film festival, and it did very well, even against some really great competition. It won the big award for audience favorite, and I'm super proud of my work! The film takes place well into the future after the events of an unknown disaster. One man is isolated in his house, waiting out the days. The film shows his struggles as he operates separate from the society he once knew. Inspired by 10 Cloverfield Lane, the poem and song "For Whom The Bell Tolls" (by John Donne and Metallica, respectively), Moonrise Kingdom, and others, this is For Whom The Bell Tolls! Enjoy! :
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