fixed cmp vs non fixed cmp


I've Got It
i have a non fixed cmp do you guys think it is good because i have no limit or bad because i can earn very low?

tell me ur opinion
I don't think network provide fixed CPM now
UFG used to provide fixed CPM but not anymore after 90/10
I think TGN provide fixed CPM but that is low (not sure)
I know machinima has a fixed cpm of $2. Some people like it, others don't.

Not true, I was with Machinima not long ago and they do not offer fixed CPM anymore. They did but now they stopped.

As for the OP for me I think that a fixed CPM is much better. I have now been with RPM, Machinima and now Curse (union for gamers) and I can tell you that when you are with a network which offers a non-fixed CPM the CPM fluctuates very much. As if you are with a fixed CPM is much relaxer do work because you always know like if you get certain amount of views you get the money that you calculate. I am now also looking to get a fixed CPM but there is no network offering that. I am trying to negotiate the contracts but they just don’t want to offer it.
I guess it depends on a lot of factor. If you are a big asset for the network, they'd give you that fixed cpm that you want. Heck you can brage for $5/1000 views if you ARE an asset. xD

Networks find dynamic cpm more profitable than fixed cpm.
A network would only offer you a fixed CPM if they were convinced they could still make money from your channel. When you think about it like that, majority of cases would be better of on a revenue share deal.
A fixed CPM is a bad idea - because you're agreeing "this is the value of the advertisements for the duration of my contract".

The value of online advertising is going up. If you lock in to a $2 CPM on a 2-year contract, you're going to be mighty irritated if average CPM triples in the next six months.