first 100 dollars?


Loving YTtalk
So it's common knowledge that most networks pay people their first check after they reach the 100$ threshold. Just curious to know if anyone has reached that threshold because I hear a lot about people never making it and the network keeping all the earnings. If you did make it, around how many views did you have? :D
The views are going to vary greatly from person to person it depends on your CPC/CPM so if you can figure out that amount (I'm sure they have some type of dashboard with your earnings?) then you can calculate an estimate of the views you'll need to reach your threshold.
"most networks"? Definitely not. Only a few that I know of have such thresholds, even $50 isn't common.
I just got over 100 for the first time right before I joined fullscreen. Its a great feeling. Most satisfying 100plus bucks I've ever made, for sure.[DOUBLEPOST=1371729575,1371729546][/DOUBLEPOST]
My network doesn't have a payment threshold, but I am lucky enough to make well over 100$ a month :)

You lucky guy you.
mine has a 100$ I have just started but, I will reach it... I know I will lol
