Other Finding Anime Artists (Art)

Kawasaki Kazuto

New Member
Hey it's me AsaiYuta, with just 46 subscribers :(. I know that it's really little, and that's why i need to start collaborating with people as i know that i won't go far without it :/. Therefore i would like to find an artist that draws Anime/Manga. My standard may not be high but i want to at least get a feeling of how collaboration works. I've done one collab, however i thought it wasn't really productive because i knew that I don't get as much attention as other youtubers. Therefore i want to collab with more people to gain attention and share my talent.Hope there are more people like me, so that we can grow together :).

And that's all :) Hope to find a Anime Artsits soon :) . I can draw Traditional art too, just so you know ^_^.
Hey man I am in the same Situation as you. I haven't collab but have been wanting to do one. I am definitely not the best artist but i hope we might figure something out :)

P.s There is two of us who run are channel and i am not the one who does Fan Art Fridays :)