Feedback if possible :)

Johnny Graviti

I Love YTtalk
Hey, haven't been on youtube for long but i'm wondering if some of you guys could watch a few of my vids and maybe give some feedback on the Intro/outro, my general conversation to the audience, how the videos are set-up, how my Youtube channel looks and so forth and if i can improve in any way. I would appreciate it a lot.
Just so you know, the Intro/out ro was only added a few videos ago.

Don't worry, i wont be offended by what you say :)
i moved this to the requests& channel feed back forum!
i just briefly looked at your channel jsut now *mostly cause the videos are long* but it seems like you guys do good commentary's with your friends and there is good humor there.. only thing i could say is your videos are perhaps a bit too long so people might not want to sit there and watch for a full 30 minutes at least until your channel gets more of a following. Make shorter videos let your audience get to know you and then you can make them longer....well you don't HAVE to do that but it's what i would do lol

hope that helps a little man!