Fake Note Prank - Fail or Success?

He either couldnt read it, couldnt be bothered to check or just couldnt give a damn about it :D It wasnt bad but it I suppose you have little control over peoples reactions, it might have been good for him to catch the person leaving the note walking off slowly but then again that might not have worked out well.
We're thinking the problem might have been that we were in a french speaking province, and the letter was in english. the reaction we wanted was for him to look around the car, or something more than just read it for minutes. hehe
We're thinking the problem might have been that we were in a french speaking province, and the letter was in english. the reaction we wanted was for him to look around the car, or something more than just read it for minutes. hehe

That does sound like a possibility :D I would try somewhere where you know people will speak English for certain.