Exploding Puppet! How To Make Shatter Effect Explosions -- 5 Min FX (Bammo) You can submit your vi

elaine ewing

I've Got It
This week 5 Min FX Guy takes a video submitted by Dom Zookwho has his own Youtube channel, Gadzook Films. If you'd like to see your video featured on 5 MIN FX, subscribe and submit!

Learn how to make an awesome explosion with the Trapcode Particular plug-in in After Effects in this in this episode of "5 Minute FX." The 5 Minute FX Guy shows how to set origins and animate lightning, how to animate the height of a visual effect, how to use plug-ins, how to apply and adjust particulars and sprites, how to animate a particle system, and how to create plates for your effect. He helps our friend Dom Zook from http://youtube.com/gadzookfilms make his puppet explode for a dramatic part of his YouTube video.