Drhank's Gaming Channel


About me:
Well I'm 'Drhankeey'. It's just something I came up ages ago (literally, like 10+ years ago) and it always sticked. I'm from Holland, hench my lovely dutch accent, and I'm 25 years of age. Yes old, huh? Gaming is a passion that I've always had and always will have. And with me starting a youtube channel it's a great way to combine that with commentaries. A dutch accent is something you dont hear too often, so I feel that makes me somewhat unique and original. "Video & entertainment" wise, before youtube was even out I was fairly active as 'stick figure animator' on websites like Newgrounds, and I've always been pretty creative with Photoshop and building websites.

My channel:
My gaming channel is basically for everything gaming related. From lets plays to gameplay commentaries and loads of other things (graphic tweaking, reviews, are some examples). I really really recently started, like literally a few days ago so don't be discouraged by the lack of subscribers or views, just take a look at some of the video's and see if you like it. I just love playing games and making video commentaries of em, so I will continue regardless, however I do understand when there's improvement to be made and I'm absolutely up for any suggestions or tips.
Channel URL:

So yea check it out, give feedback, whatever you like. Currently I have a couple of gameplay video's up with commentary. There's also a little project that I'm doing of creating video's for "steam sales", whenever a great game is on a ridiculously cheap sale I will very likely get a video of that game up with commentary. Ofcourse, only if the game is worth it.