omegaman20 Member Sep 2, 2012 #1 Here's my video channel. Its Art related
Alfabet Liking YTtalk Sep 2, 2012 #2 Hey man I love your channel I subscribed We should have a sketch off haha
Itskamren JEANYUSS Sep 2, 2012 #3 Dude your channel is sweet I used to draw all the time when I was younger maybe I could show you some of my drawings sometime.
Dude your channel is sweet I used to draw all the time when I was younger maybe I could show you some of my drawings sometime.
ForeverAlonePrick I don't know what's going on. Sep 2, 2012 #4 Nice video! I really like your channel, I subscribed
ViciousCritic I Love YTtalk Sep 2, 2012 #5 Your channel is very cool, but I have to say something. Don't get offended. If you thought this was nerdy... And this was nerdy... Then wait 'til you see this... The Arm-Adillo. You can be artistic and nerdy all at once.
Your channel is very cool, but I have to say something. Don't get offended. If you thought this was nerdy... And this was nerdy... Then wait 'til you see this... The Arm-Adillo. You can be artistic and nerdy all at once.