Does this mean I am a partner??


Active Member
I logged in to my YouTube page and clicked on the Dashboard, and then saw this... (see attached screenshot)

Does this mean I am a YouTube partner? Or does this mean I am some lower classed or restricted partner or something?

I only started to monetize my videos a very short while I didn't expect this to come so quickly.


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Yeah, you're considered "partner", but don't get all the features. YouTube has slowly been giving these partner features to all though, like monetization, unlimited upload length, and published uploads. Some say that they're getting custom thumbnails as well. Soon enough, us "little partners" may get all the features that full partners get.
The new Feature you just notice is called Dashboard. In it you will find a summary of your YouTube Channel. The newest Videos you have uploaded, the last Comments and News from YouTube itself and also a Counter for your Views and Subs of the last 30. Days.
Thanks for asking this question initially, as I've only been on Youtube for two weeks, and it's been bugging me for at least half of that. xD Good to finally know for certain, at least.