Does fullscreen help at all with channel growth?


Yttalk's Vanguard
Like the title says, Does fullscreen (Or networks in general) Help at all with growing your channel? I'm wondering because I'm a pretty small channel with a not a great deal of views so i'm not interested in monetizing just yet but I am looking to grow my channel of course so does a network help at all with that?
Nope. In fact most networks dont help with growth. Thats why its important to read your contract to see what you can get.[DOUBLEPOST=1371170494,1371170445][/DOUBLEPOST]I choose my network cause even if I'm small I can make some money. And I don't have to wait to have 100$ to get paid.
Nope, no networks will help you at all with promotion unless you are a large channel and an asset to their network.
Well thats how it works...You have to be pretty big for them to promote you.
Its not dumb its just that it would be impossible for them to promote everyone.

Not necessarily, they could possibly do what socialblade does and post a daily video the on the front of their webpage or even do a weekly episode from a partner on their channel. Its not impossible
Not necessarily, they could possibly do what socialblade does and post a daily video the on the front of their webpage or even do a weekly episode from a partner on their channel. Its not impossible

You have to realise with networks like Fullscreen they have 16,000 channels. Can you imagine how long it would take to feature them all?
Socialblade ??? Socialblade is an awfull network.

The website, why don't you go grab a coke and calm down?[DOUBLEPOST=1371174762,1371174717][/DOUBLEPOST]
You have to realise with networks like Fullscreen they have 16,000 channels. Can you imagine how long it would take to feature them all?

From previous responses it said no network helps, smaller networks could do this but even fullscreen could do this, they have a large staff