Does A Partnership Mean Anything Anymore?!

Should reuirments to become a partner be a bit higher than they are now?

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Um.. wow.. This is some crazy thread. I'll probably never get partnered as is, and yet people want their requirements to be even higher??? Give some mercy to the little guys.

With current requirements at zero subs and zero views for at least two networks, they can't really make it any easier to get in.
that beats 0 money LOL. what about that locked-in contract? Also, where does one sign up for Machinima? I don't see a 'sign in' or 'sign up' thing anywhere.
Hmm what are the downsides to those 2 networks? And I see Machinima also takes less than 100 views a day?

Long contracts and if you don't get at least 250k views (125-150k for RPM), you will not hit the payment threshold-which means you won't get paid. If you won't get paid, why would you bother to run ads on your videos? It hurts your subscriber growth when you are smaller.
It hurts your subscriber growth when you are smaller.

Honestly, I'm not so sure about this. I think they're so commonplace now that you don't lose subs (I point blank asked my subs before I monetized). And I think it *might* have a bit of the opposite effect, really. In a "Oh, this guy's a real YouTuber" sort of way. Perceived value sorta stuff.
It could be different now, but less than a year ago, we accidentally left ads up on our featured video and sub levels for that month were signicantly lower. We normally only monetized those videos for the first three days before turning ads off. We repeated the experiment a few month later (because we made a lot more money with ads on) and sub levels were down again, so we went back to our first three days formula.