Do You Think I'm Using the New Channel Correctly?

Am I using the new background effectively?

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I want to know if you think that my channel is using the YouTube One Background to its full extent, and if not, how to improve.

Feedback on my trailer is also appreciated:
On my screen, it seems your profile icon covers up one of the faces on the banner. You might want to work on fixing that.
I'm using a widescreen monitor.
You should have filled out the One Channel checklist if you wanted to maximize the potential of your OneChannel layout.
lol your trailer diff. got my attention but its a little too slow pace for me imho. i loved the narration and clips (add more clips to show more variety) and thats all
Yeah, your banner looks fine. It's just that the faces are a bit cut off on my screen. I liked the channel trailer, too. I need to get a YouTube One Channel...