Do you think everything looks, "Professional"?

Jacob Alsobrook

Yes, I have pants. Do I wear them? No.
I was wondering if you guys could check out my channel and see how everything looks, as far goes as background, avatar, desc of channel, and stuff like that, I am going to put custom thumbnails in about two days so don't worry about that. If you could give me some feedback that would be fantastic! Thanks! And I know the update to the channels will take place in a couple of days, but I'm prepared for that as well. :)
I liked it, green was a bit flashy, but still works.... but rumors are flying that we will no longer have custom backgrounds soon. :(
Hmm the desc. and avatar is good... I don't think the background looks too proffessional but I guess it doesn't matter since it'll be gone in 3 days :c
the green is a little bright, for my taste.
The animated pic is also a little blurry.
But overall, looks good. I like the effect that you did with having the text split unconventionally like that. :]
Hmm the desc. and avatar is good... I don't think the background looks too proffessional but I guess it doesn't matter since it'll be gone in 3 days :c
I WAS going to make a new one, but I decided it would be a wasted effort, because of the change :(
i dont know why but i like the style on how you draw characters lol , goodjob!
Thanks! :D My brother is going to collage for graphic designing so as practice I'll ask him to draw me one and he does it :) I owe that to him!
mostly professional except where you`re character cuts off on your bg.
Thanks, yeah, the background was the hardest part for me, getting it to fit and all. Something I never could get the hang of.
the green is a little bright, for my taste.
The animated pic is also a little blurry.
But overall, looks good. I like the effect that you did with having the text split unconventionally like that. :]
Oh my gosh! Thank you for pointing that out! For some reason it was uploaded as a jpg, I fixed it now. Whew, thank you so much Bryant!