Do partners take over your adsense account?


Buckeye, Arizona
Does anyone know if Fullscreen takes over the entire adsense account? If a person with multiple youtube channels wants only 1 of their channels partnered with fullscreen how would that work with the other remaining channels that said person has?

In other words if someone had these channels with youtube
but only wanted channel4 partnered with Fullscreen, will the other channels still be able to be monetized and receive revenue from adsense?
Fullscreen doesn't do anything to your adsense. They just unlink the channel you want partnered from your adsense and connect it to theirs. Your adsense account always remains under your control.
Fullscreen doesn't do anything to your adsense. They just unlink the channel you want partnered from your adsense and connect it to theirs. Your adsense account always remains under your control.

Thanks, so the other channels will continue to generate revenue from adsense just like normal?
Thats just it, I have a few websites that I run ads on along with the youtube channels so much obliged to ya for the quick reply and help.