Disney buys Lucasfilm


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Why are people mad? I don't get it at all. I haven't enjoyed a movie from Lucasfilm since Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
Hmm.. we will have to see if it's a step in the right or wrong direction when disney produce their first star wars film, let's just hope it's not one of their cartoon musicals :L
Hmm.. we will have to see if it's a step in the right or wrong direction when disney produce their first star wars film, let's just hope it's not one of their cartoon musicals :L
It wont be but even that would be better then the last 3 films. They are planning on releasing an all new trilogy not just episode 7.
i can care less about the other movies i just hope they dont mess up Star Wars
The last 3 films already kinda did imo.
It wont be but even that would be better then the last 3 films. They are planning on releasing an all new trilogy not just episode 7.
that sounds cool, i think the reason the last 3 were bad is because they focused on some of the more boring, background events, not like the more intersting, key events in the original trilogy.
that sounds cool, i think the reason the last 3 were bad is because they focused on some of the more boring, background events, not like the more intersting, key events in the original trilogy.
I agree it had to be a little bit boring but it wasn't just the story. It was the over use of CGI. The terrible characters. THE WORST ACTING EVER! I can't tell you how bad the acting was. Now I know it wasn't that great in the original 3 either but at least they had charm.
lol thats true they were not that great, so your saying disney is planning in recreating the whole star wars story?
Yep a whole new trilogy starting with Episode 7 in 2015. They are calling it a sequel to The Return of the Jedi.